Van Til Tool

Using the Van Til Perspective as the tool to discover what life means and how it ought to be lived.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017



In my most recent post I referred to R. J. Rushdoony as a "wielder of the Van Til Tool"

It has just dawned on me that in all these years I have actually said little about him and almost nothing about the organization he founded in 1965, called The Chalcedon Foundation, for the purpose of advancing what he called "Christian Reconstruction, his term for the wielding of the Van Til Tool! I am going to make up for that now by trying to keep you informed about what the Chalcedon Foundation is doing.  I would like to suggest, though,  that you visit their website and get on their mailing list and also on their emailing list to receive information from them.  Here is the latest word they have issued in the email I received today which I am posting below.


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An Informed Faith: The Position Papers of R. J. Rushdoony
Our faith should be an informed one because the God who created all things speaks to every sphere of life, and all facts should be studied in light of the revelation of God in Scripture. This is the foundation of Christian dominion.
For R. J. Rushdoony, true government was the self-government of the Christian life in terms of God’s law, so he wrote his position papers to better equip Christians to apply their faith to all of life. His objective was not to empower the state, or the organized church, but rather to call every person and institution to God’s Word, which often put him at odds with both church and state.
By starting the Chalcedon Foundation, Rushdoony had created a “think tank for the self-governing Christian,” and his position papers are like “policies for Kingdom-living!”
Until now, Rushdoony’s position papers could not be found in one volume, and many of them were published in the massive Roots of Reconstruction book. The challenge was that Roots of Reconstructionwas not organized topically, and it had no indexes of any kind which made research difficult.
Problem solved! This beautiful three-volume collection of hardback books organizes ALL of Rushdoony’s position papers topically AND they include the most extensive indexing we’ve ever done on any series of books in the history of Chalcedon/Ross House Books including a general index, history index, Scripture index, and works cited index.
Our most comprehensive indexing ever with a general index, history index, Scripture index, and works cited index!
Buying books are a great way to support by Chalcedon by investing in yourself, so we strive to produce the most usable books we can to help equip you for greater Kingdom service. We believe An Informed Faithwill make a powerful addition to your personal library!
Get your copy today and SAVE 15%
PLUS get FREE shipping (US only) until Sept. 30, 2017! 
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