Dubrow: Accurate Portrayal of Today's American Christians; Inaccurate Portrayal of Christian Reconstruction
Dubrow: Accurate Portrayal of Today's American Christians;
Inaccurate Portrayal of Christian Reconstruction
A Review of
Mickey Dubrow American Judas (Southern Fried Karma Press, 2018)
$16.99 331 pp ISBN: 978-1-7325398-0-8
Reviewer: Forrest W. Schultz
Dubrow in this new book accurately portrays today's American Christians, as anyone who has been keeping up with the news can see. But, like many people, Dubrow is NOT accurate is his portrayal of Christian Reconstruction, as that term was defined by the twentieth century Christian scholar Rousas J. Rushdoony in his many articles and books. AND, his son Mark Rushdoony, who now runs the Chalcedon Foundation established by his father, adheres to his father's view and in the Chalcedon publications is continually pointing this out. Here is one of his latest statements: My father’s only political interest was in reclaiming power from the political arena and returning it to the spheres of family, church, and the free enterprises of individuals. His political involvement was to fight statism, not use it as a mechanism of Christian action. Too much thought in theonomy centers around what the state would look like and do in a Christian social order. That makes theonomy an academic subject when it should be a very practical one when God’s Law is brought to bear on our family, businesses, and church life. A theocratic order cannot be imposed by state action and that is not what my father suggested, advocated, or taught.
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